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  • Writer's pictureKrista

Post Chemo Round 2

Sept 30th 2018 - It's been 2 weeks already since round 2, time is flying by, only a week to go until the 3rd and final round of this chemo "cocktail".

After my chemotherapy treatment on Sept 17th, I had the whole day ahead of me, and it was a beautiful one. Being my of course, I wasn't going to stay inside and waste the day, so I opted to go for a bike ride around the beautiful Sarnia waterfront - I tell you; nothing is going to hold me back, especially cancer.

I felt great after my treatment, the next couple days were a different story.

I'm going to repeat myself again (I know, it's overkill sometimes), but no nausea yet!! I'm sticking to my strict orders for the anti-nausea medications and taking this on the dot - I'm not going to screw this one up.

For the next 4-5 days I'm tired, really tired. I'm waking up, taking naps on repeat daily. I'm not one to nap like I've said, but I know I've got to listen to my body and give it the rest it needs. Now, I do have to admit I did over do it one day... a 6 hour "nap" took place, literally, what happened to the day? It ended just as fast as it started!! Wow, insane.

But again (let's all say it together); I must have needed it.

This is a bit different this time, from round 1 and from when I was 16yrs old; usually I've got the energy the first few days to a week, and the second week I'm bottoming out. So this was a switch up.

From Sept 17th - 23rd 2018, I didn't have any taste buds again, food was bland and flavourless, but I did have a bit of an appetite. A lot of plain pasta, and rice was had - my carb cravings went a bit crazy. The one thing I just can't get enough of; is carbonated water. Apparently this stuff is utterly amazing, I don't know what I was ever thinking staying away from it before I was sick. Just a whole bunch of mmmmm.

Around Sept 25th 2018, I woke up and I had a great day! It was finally a day I woke up and had energy and looked forward to the day. This was great, because this night I was hosting a travel information show for the group I will be escorting to Ireland in June 2019. I had this planned before I left work, and I still had every intention of being there.

PLUG TIME :)!! So, I'm escorting a group on a Contiki coach tour June 16th - 25th 2019 to Ireland!! It's going to be awesome, a really good time, promise!! If anyone is interested and wants more information - reach out!

Okay, back to it.....

The past couple days I've been feeling great, and my taste buds have managed to return. I should be at my low point right now, but I just don't feel like it.

I do have to be careful either way however, even though I am feeling fine, my counts could be low, which makes my immune system weaker, it'll be easier for me to pick up a cold, or flu, or anything - which is something I definitely do not want. I want my chemo treatments to go as planned, I've got to stay healthy.

The past few weeks, I've been out and about in the public, wearing my many head coverings, I'm not going to lie, it was a bit scary at first, and I didn't go out a lone. For the first week I made sure to have someone with me at all times when I was out - it was my security blanket I guess you could call it. Being with someone (mom, dad, drew, my sisters) made it a lot easier to feel "normal".

I make it sound like I was going to be so brave and not worry about it, but I did and it got the best of me for a bit.

After a week of hiding behind my security blanket, I had no choice Sept 24th 2018 but to go out alone, very, very, nerve racking; but I took a deep breath, told myself I got this and made sure I would be confident in my walk and keep my head held high. I did it - I made it back home with no issues!!

I was officially faced the world alone, and not a single thing happened. I was ready from here on out, bring it on life.

Positive Note: I've been able to spend time with my 3 little munchkins (Levi, Arlynn and Lucas), keeping up to them as much as I possibly can.

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