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  • Writer's pictureKrista

Official Diagnosis

Updated: Aug 31, 2018

All in all, any cancer is bad - but this is my official diagnosis; Invasive Mammary Carcinoma. This cancer is consider "rare" for my age (being under 45 with breast cancer is rare in general!) about 10%-15% of cases.

This type of breast cancer is very aggressive and fast growing - within 8 weeks, the pea sized lump I found had grown to 5cm, and still continues to grow. I am considered at grade 3, stage 2B / 3A breast cancer as of Aug 3rd 2018.

After getting back hormonal testing on the biopsy sample; I am told it's a "triple negative" cancer - which is not the best news.

This type of breast cancer can reoccur within 1-3 years much more aggressively, with the chance to metastasize within my body, with no cure. It's very scary of course to hear these words - the worst, just got even worse.

How do we approach this; lumpectomy, mastectomy, double mastectomy - TAKE EM', FIX ME!! Unfortunately none of these are an option right now - the tumour has grown to big to fast. The tumour needs to shrink and shrink fast.

It is suggested by the doctor in London; chemotherapy, surgery and radiation. Talk about deja vu, this is exactly what my options were at the age of 16yrs. Unreal.

At this point in the conversation I realize I have 2 choices; fight or give up now. In my mind I tell myself, I only have one option - fight. I have to fight; for myself, for my family and for all the survivors. I'm not going to let cancer ruin me.

I will be healthy once again, I will put this in the past as another chapter in my book of life, I will survive.

Positive Note: the cancer has not made it to my lymph nodes

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