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  • Writer's pictureKrista

Chemo Round 3

Oct 9th 2018 - Half way there! Today is the 3rd out of 6 rounds of chemotherapy treatment, we're already half way there. I'd like to say "time fly's when you're having fun", but really... no, it's not fun.

It sounds weird, but I woke up today with a little excitement. Waking up daily with only positive thoughts on my mind, I knew today was the last round of the F-E-C cocktail and we would be on to the last three D cocktail after this. I could start to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Started out today with a coffee and company of mom and dad at their house and made my way to Bluewater Health for 845am.

I had an appointment on Oct 4th 2018 with my oncologist; for an update and blood work. My counts came back fantastic at 1.7 (they need to be a minimum of 1.5), everyone, including myself was very pleased! I had the okay to go for chemo on Tuesday.

My oncologist has also mentioned he thinks the lump in my breast as shrunk a bit, doesn't think it's the same size as it was when we started, so I'm scheduled for an ultrasound on Oct 24th 2018.

It was super busy in the chemo suite today, seeing as the Thanksgiving Holiday had them closed, I was about half an hour behind my scheduled time - no biggy… I've got all the time in the world!

Today I was accompanied by Dad and Katelyn, they are starting to get just as familiar with this place as I am. And a little FaceTime action from Britt.

Again, the nurses can't be an more welcoming! I know I say it all the time, but really these people are saints up in the chemo suite at Bluewater Health. Oh, and don't even get me started on the amazing volunteers - they truly are heroes.

I've taken my lifesaver (Anti Nausea drug) prior to the chemo treatment and I've got the "freezing cream" (I still hate needles) on my port, I'm ready to go.

Everything is going as planned, 4 syringes and 1 drip... here we go. After the syringes are administered we are onwards to the drip. This drug is slowed down again this time, it seems to give me a headache every time. A little bit longer of a day but worth it for no discomfort.

After everything is said in done, I have no nausea again - woo hoo - but I can't get my hopes up to high for the next 3 weeks, this is another round and my body might react differently again. Fingers crossed.

The past couple days to a week, I've noticed my port has moved, at least in my mind I think it has. I ask the nurses and they agree with me. This by all means is not a bad thing, it happens they say because I had the port implanted in Windsor.

Windsor doesn't stitch the port in place internally under the skin, they let the body settle it on it's own. So it has moved higher up then where it was placed, but all is still good - it's still working absolutely perfect.

I'm free to go for another 3 weeks. I'll be looking forward to the ultrasound and getting any positive feed back on the results.

Positive Note: I've successfully finished the first half of my chemotherapy rounds; F-E-C cocktail.

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