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  • Writer's pictureKrista

Chemo Round 4

Oct 31st 2018 - This round of chemotherapy I think was a "meant to be" round. Originally I was supposed to have my 4th round on Tuesday Oct 30th, but I was told that day my blood counts were too low (I was at 1.4, I need to be at 1.5), we would try again Wednesday.

I was bummed out at first, I just want to get it done and over with, I don't want to be in and out of the hospital daily...but then I clued into the greatest thing ever - HALLOWEEN CHEMO!! This was going to be great - I'm totally getting dressed up and getting chemo on Wednesday.

Back up to the hospital I go Wednesday morning (yes completely in character) for blood work to see if it's a go... good news, we're in. We're headed to the chemo suite.

Today I was escorted by the two main men in my life; dad and Drew. Poor guys... they didn't know what they were getting into today.

Dad opted to skip out on the dressing up process, but Drew pulled through - Tacky Tourists coming through Bluewater Health. The nurses were great today; they even made Drew and I a special "mocktail" for the day.

My sister Brittany came up for a visit as well, in full "operation game" costume... we're totally related. :)

Today was my 4th round of chemotherapy and the 1st round of the D (F-E-C D) in the cocktail. This drug has mainly the same side effects as the F-E-C, with a few added in there. This drug can cause "pins and needle" like sensations in my fingers, which can become permanent if I receive to much of the drug. My body aches and pains could be more intense these next rounds. Also, my skin is more apt to dry out and my fingernails can become very brittle and start to peel.

However the biggest side effect for this drug is tiredness.

On the plus side, I shouldn't have any nausea, or at least not any more then I did the first 3 rounds.

With this treatment it's an IV drip for an hour, but because it's my first time receiving it and we don't know how my body will take it, the nurses have slowed it down to a 2 hour drip time.

The one things I do notice every time I've received chemotherapy, my face gets very flushed and above my upper lip it looks like I just waxed off a mustache? Weird? I've got no hair to wax... honest! This drug scares me a bit, not only because it's news and there are potential added side effects, but because I am no longer on anti nausea medication post treatment.

I get one pill prior to treatment - that's it. Nerve-racking.

Oh but wait.. good news - they are upping the steroids (insert eye roll here). Great, more sleepless nights, bursts of random 2am energy, weird cravings, and weight gain … awesome.

I take 4 pills prior to treatment, 8 pills post treatment and while I'm in the "chair" I get a small bag via IV drip. Look out Arnold, Krista is coming for you!!

Nurses and doctors again are impeccable and I couldn't ask for a better day.

After waiting for the go a head, new teaching on the drug, and treatment it's about 2pm before we finally leave the hospital.

4th round done, only 2 more to go.

Tonight I was feeling great to hand out candy to the trick or treaters in costume number 2 - Mr Clean y'all!! (Mid as well embrace it!)

Positive Note: Did I care about the looks? Nope. Did I care about the snickering? Nope. Did I care we were the only ones dressed up with the chemo suite? No friggen way.

Now ask me this - did I have a great day? Yep! Did I make a bunch of people smile and laugh? Sure did! Did I have fun? Hell ya!

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