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  • Writer's pictureKrista

Chemo Round 5

Nov 21st 2018 - Today was a busy day in the chemo suite at Bluewater Health. My appointment was for 930am, but finally managed to get into the "chair" at 1145am. No biggy, it's not like I have lots to do or somewhere to be on chemo days, all is good.

However it just shows you how many people are effected by this horrible disease; male, female, young and old - it hits home knowing you aren't the only one backed up to receive treatment, there were a lot of us today. What was worse, I noticed a few familiar faces while I was there, this is not a place you want to run into people you haven't seen in years!! Cancer you need to die, and go away for good, leave us all alone.

I was supposed to have treatment on Tuesday the 20th, but because this drug I am on needs a 21day turn around I was pushed back until the next day.

My blood counts were impeccable this round - 5.8!! They only need to be 1.5...I don't know what I did to keep them up that high the past couple weeks, but I wasn't going to question it!

Nov 21st, this is my 5th treatment - I don't want to toot my own horn or anything, but only ONE MORE LEFT!! Yes, I'm going to say it - I was excited for today. I was excited to get my next appointment slip knowing that this would be my last one!

This morning I started out with taking my dose of steroids before treatment and applying the freezing cream to my port - still hate that damn needle! Now ask me if you think that cream actually works, or if it's all in my head? I really couldn't tell you, but I'm going to go with it's in my head... I should be used to it by now!!

Accompanied by the "brothers of plaid" today; Dad and Drew. I headed for treatment with the same drug as last time. I'm prepared for what may come out of this with side effects this round. Guess we will have to wait and see.

I get one anti nausea pill before treatment, which is much different from before... I was taking 4 different anti nausea pills on the last drug!!

I am still taking the needle for my white blood counts 24 hours after chemo... those have been a lifesaver!

The nurses decided to slow the treatment "drip" down again, because it was only my second dose and they want to make sure my body doesn't have any reactions to it. So the hour drip it takes turned into 2, better safe then sorry.

Again, I repeat myself, but these ladies up there are wonderful - the nurses have so much care and attention to who you are, it makes you feel like a person going for treatment not just a patient.

My day finally came to an end around 2pm, another treatment done and in the books. My next treatment will be closer to Christmas, better make some plans to spice it up :)

After heading home, it was a chill remainder of the day... need to start getting my rest now before I dip low and start feeling like last time. But again I'm stronger this time knowing what is about to come around.

Positive Note: The light at the end of the tunnel was showing today. I've only got 1 more treatment of this poison invading my body, then I'm on to the next chapter of this journey.

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