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  • Writer's pictureKrista

Fertility Treatment

Updated: Sep 2, 2018

With any chemotherapy treatment comes the many side affects. This one in particular will be fertility. Because this will be my second round of chemotherapy in my lifetime, its been suggested to freeze as many eggs as possible before starting treatment.

Of course, children have always been in my life plan, so I decide it will be something I'd look into.

The closest Fertility Treatment Centre is in London at Victoria Hospital. The staff there are amazing, I couldn't thank them enough for making this process easy for me to understand and decide to continue with it.

Because I am on a time crunch (12 days total) to get through the treatment and retrieval of eggs, science isn't on my best side. But that isn't going to stop me, I'm still going to try, I'm still taking the chance that lady luck will be on my side.

On Aug 13th 2018, my body is ready to cooperate and I start off on the max dose of fertility treatment. This requires 2 shots a night in the belly at EXACTLY the same time until otherwise told. Thank lord I have one of the best nurses you'll ever know in the family; Mom.

With the fertility clinic being in London there are a lot of 7:30am appointments I will have to attend for blood work and ultrasound to see how the process is going. I did this trip 4 times, which I'm not complaining about, it was supposed to be daily!!

The purpose of the fertility treatment is to grow your follicles faster then usual to produce eggs. Unfortunately, the best results come after 3 - 4 rounds; I have one - and my body didn't have the best response.

I only managed to get one follicle to grow large enough in the time frame I had. Again I was faced with the decision; I stop right then and there and forget about it, or do I take the chance to try the retrieval anyway. I don't even think I need to say it, but I came this damn far, I'm not giving up that easy, onwards we go.

I'm given a "trigger shot" on Aug 22nd 2018, to help produce as many eggs as possible - at 10:15pm this was my last chance (fingers crossed). The average amount of eggs needed for a good retrieval is 8-12, less then that there is a 1% of eggs being good enough to freeze.

Aug 24th 2018, it's retrieval day (or as I like to call it, HARVEST DAY!). Knowing my chances still aren't at their best, I keep praying and hoping for a miracle.

After the procedure it's confirmed only 2 eggs were able to be retrieved, wasn't the best news to wake up to. Now I wait to get the phone call it see if either one could be froze.

With my guardian angles watching over me, I get the phone call the miraculously both of the 2 eggs retrieved were able to be frozen!! I can't believe it, I still have a chance. Tears of happiness flow right on demand.

Positive Note: it may only be 2, but all you need is the special 1.

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