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  • Writer's pictureKrista

"Go Pink for Krista" Benefit

Oct 19th 2018 - Wow, wow, wow! Okay, one more time... WOW!! On Oct 19th 2018, the "Team Krista" committee, consisting of my family and friends, was held in my honour at the Point Edward Optimist Hall. I have never been blown away by such an event, not to mention one that was organized all on my behalf.

A quick little back story on the benefit. After being diagnosed with Breast Cancer in July 2018, my family came up with this elaborate plan (follow me with this one) to throw a benefit for myself. After being approached in August, by my Uncle Ron, Aunt June, Aunt Penny, Mom and Dad with this "plan", it was shot down immediately. There was no way in hell I was going to let people make a fuss over me having cancer again, this is not the attention I wanted nor did I want to become a "charity case". I had it in my head I was going to get through this come hell or high water and I was going to do whatever it took - but I wasn't going to need the help...I was going to do this MY WAY.

After chatting, positive thoughts and some convincing, they had changed my mind, I was miraculously on board. Still to this day I think they were as shocked as I was I agreed to this whole thing.

I had to open myself up, break through the walls and stop being so stubborn; accepting the help wasn't going to make me a bad person, no one was going to think less of me for doing so, and anyone who cares about me wants to help in any way they can. It was time to admit; this "plan" would help me out and a lot of stress would be lifted; focusing on ME would be in my best interest right now.

The one rule everyone had to adhere to (including myself); Krista was not to be involved with the benefit until the night of the event. Deal (ugh....)

Like I mentioned, the committee consisted of my family and friends who put so much of their lives on hold to help plan this benefit. There were countless meetings, messages, plans made and hours of work that was offered by everyone daily. The night of the event it seemed like every detail you could imagine was thought of and taking care of; from tickets, draws, gifts, games, decorations, entertainment and FOOD!

This committee hit the pavement running and didn't stop for anything; the sponsors they approached, the donations that were gathered, the collections that were being had was endless.

Honestly, who has people like this in their lives; aren't these people called "heroes"? As I sit here right now typing away and think of the event and how much love, support and work went into it, I can't help but cry. Happy tears of course, tears of joy and tears of honour. I am such a lucky person in life, really I am. I've been dealt a shit hand (again), but with who I have surrounding me on a daily, how can I really say I've been dealt a shit hand?

The big reveal came at 7pm on Oct 19th, the moment I was "allowed" to be part of the cool club. I put on my "Team Krista" t-shirt and made my way to the hall where I was greeted by "Team Krista" and a loud SURPRISE!!!

- cue jaw drop -

IT WAS AMAZING!!! Pink usually isn't my colour but wow, how beautiful did that PINK hall look. How perfect everything was, how wonderful everyone looked and how much love filled that place, I was in awe.

Not sure if a lot of people know this about me or no, but I love to talk! I love talking to people and getting to know them, catching up and just having a good ol' conversation (one of the reasons I love my job); since the end of August I haven't had to much social interaction, but this night changed everything. I was back in my element - TALKING!!! (insert heart eyes here). There were so many familiar faces in the hall of family, friends, coworkers, clients, friends of friends, doctors, nurses and so many more. Then there were the faces I didn't recognize; people who only heard of what was going on and come out anyway, people who wanted to be there no matter what. To all these people, whether I knew you or not, thank you. You'll never know how heartwarming it was (still is) to have you all there. Oh, and just a quick note; to those who weren't able to make it - please don't worry, I know you were all there with me that night. Thank you to all of you too.

The benefit was bumpin' the party had started; entertainment by Justin Plett rocked, the ladies from Fuzion Hair Salon killed it with their pink hair extensions, the Point Edward optimist hall bar tending staff was on fire all night long, "Team Krista" kept the emotions high with the games, toonie tosses and door prizes.

Anastasia Brown photography did a great job at capturing the night! if you haven't seen the pictures, please check out the "Go pink for Krista" Facebook page.

Thank you to Air Transat / Transat Travel for the great travel prizes - unbelievable. A little jealous, not going to lie - wish I could have got into a few of those draws!

Overall, I sit here and think about it....this night was pretty overwhelming, but I wouldn't have expected it any other way!

I'm so very humbled to have you all apart of this journey with me.

It was a long night, but well worth a good night out for myself. It really couldn't have been possible without all of you. Thank you all for your kindness and generosity.

The night turned out awesome!


Positive Note: Accepting help never hurt anyone. I'm glad I did. There are certain stresses that aren't needed (but unfortunately happen) during my journey and this helps enough; all is going to be okay.

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